Thursday, March 16, 2006

free gift

Since I've found how importance english to me, I will try to have some blogging in english. Please bear my lousy english, I knew that. I just try to make it as creative as possible lah k....

Last few weeks, I have met a friend in UTM career fair. As what I know, he is just 2nd year, career fair? I'm wondering he was lost or he was too boring...So I asked him why he came to career fair since he still far from graduating. He told me an unexpected answer: I come here to collect free gift. Oh my god, this is first time I heard people come to career fair to get free gift. But I would say he totally unlucky, Malaysia companies damn stingy!!

I would suggest he go to NTU career fair. Why? Let me show you the stuff that the recruiter "force" me to take. I didn't mean to get free gift there cause I don't like to carry some stupid heavy load while looking around. But I don't have intention to reject their kindness. What to do? Here we go.....

This is the first goodie bag that I get. You can see the name of the company (BAT) and the bottom corner. They have at least 10 professional goodie bag distributors waiting you to be the victim. I just like the bag but not the brochures that made it loaded.

These two are smaller one compared to BAT, maybe because their company also smaller? But many will disagree with me cos when you see the right hand side one, that's Agilent, one of the biggest US semicon company. Anyhow, I prefer the left hand side which in black color 1, it just look nice which I dare to bring it out. You can see clearly DXO printed at the bag, its stand for Defence Executive Officers. I not really know anything bout this.

haha...if you were at the spot, you will find this Schlumberger so "outstanding". It just big enough to put in all your goodie bags, that's the reason this bag just like hot cake, everyone pretent approached to the counter, some even knew they are not qualifed to apply jobs in Schulumberger but they still asked something to the recruiter to get this nice bag. Of course I'm not that kind of people, at least I asked many relevent questions to get it, hahahaha....

I just can't believe that's any company can come out with this "creative" idea. They didn't give goodie bag, no pen, no stationery, but they give you umbrella!!! For sure they not simply give to anyone but those interested with their company. It just suit with me since I don't have this kind of small umbrella. Luckily the color still look mature enough as I can't accept this kind of small umbrella in pinky color.

The rest of the free gifts are just normal stuff that you can get in any fair. Some might useful to me some might not. A lot of small paper notes and A4 paper as well. Yeah, and also a lot of companies brochure. For those who interested to work in Sg'pore, maybe you can get some useful contacts in these brochures. But don't ask me to find for you. I just lazy to look at it.....

Monday, March 06, 2006





原本这日记昨晚就该出炉了。可是,好死不死,江边鸟突然拿了一些IQ题来考我们。先讲哦,不是小孩子的IQ题哦。如果你们不信,就到江边鸟的部落客看看。结果这样一玩,就玩到凌晨一点半左右,我的日记也变泡影了,还好骗到一餐夜宵,哈哈,江边鸟,谢了噢 :)
好啦,说完昨晚,就要说说“日新之夜”了。今年可以说是最后一次参与了,心中虽然没有万般的不舍,但都难免有一些感触。所以我告诉自己,那一晚,我一定要尽兴地玩。当晚的出席者,大部分都是毕业在即的final year senior,或许大家都意识到即将毕业,此后各自分道扬镳,何时才能再共聚一堂?在最后一个senior分享环节中,一个超感性的senior差点就哭了起来,好在及时稳定了情绪,才不至于悲剧发生。:p 或许现在的我,对于毕业似乎还没什么感觉,但是我还蛮害怕这种感觉会越来越强烈,毕竟我是一个只要一个小故事就可以感动到我的人。。。。。

